Trouville Esplanade Pocket Park Miami Beach

There are so many reasons to love living in Miami Beach. We have year-round, gorgeous weather, unlimited natural beauty, and are surrounded by beautiful sparkling water. In addition to all these perks is the recent popping-up of pocket parks. The City of Miami Beach has been developing pocket parks to increase the overall quality of life for it's residents. Pocket parks are small lots of land that have been developed into nicely landscaped, perfectly pruned plots. These parks are designed with bench seating, paved sidewalks, and lighting - much like the newest pocket park located on the southern edge of Normandy Isle.This park's location, at the south end of Trouville Esplanade allows visitors to enjoy great south-facing views of Miami Beach as well as Miami’s beautiful downtown skyline. This park helps to beautify the community as well as provide the waterfront amenity to homes that aren't located directly on the water. Residents no longer have to walk long distances, or even drive, to get to their nearest waterfront area or community park.Aside from the visual benefits and convenience that we gain from having these pocket parks in our communities, they also encourage family-oriented activity. They serve as a safe place for families to spend time together and for children to play. Pocket parks also provide a safe, well-lit area for pet owners to walk their dog. The Trouville Esplanade pocket park features trash cans  and  pet stations. In addition, the bicycle racks offer cyclists an area to rest and safely park their bikes within eyesight.Did we mention the great marine life spotting??


What would you do in a park like this? - Yoga? Morning tea? No matter your preferred activity, one thing is certain - these pocket parks are little gems just a block away from most homes in Normandy Isles.