If you’re like most people wanting to sell your home, you’re not an expert on marketplace analysis, property values, real estate law, or target marketing. Navigating the waters of being a seller calls for someone knowledgeable to be at the helm.

The first objective of a Realtor is to sell your home for the best price in the shortest possible time. The second objective is to act as a guide; leading you and your buyer through questions, contract negotiations and logistics. In Miami Beach, real estate has its own rhythm compared to other U.S. Cities. Here, factors like; population growth, commute times, events, neighborhood characteristics, location, and culture, all play into the selling process in a big way.

Focused & Familiar

There are two aspects to the focus a good Realtor should possess. The first, is to have a thorough understanding of the practical dynamics that affect the location of your home.

·         Population Growth

·         Specific Areas of Growth

·         Commute times to and from various surrounding neighborhoods

Miami Beach is a vibrant area that has experienced a lot of statistical growths and transformations over the last two decades. The population has enjoyed a steady increase since the year 2000 at 88,302 people, (according to the U.S. Census,) to an estimated 91,718 people as of 2019. What the statistics don’t convey is how those numbers contribute to the area, affect local schools and businesses, neighborhood activations, development, and the current and future value of your home.

Analysis is a large piece of the puzzle. A quality Realtor interprets how these details influence the housing market and uses it to design your marketing strategy. This brings us to the second focus, Marketing.


How your home is presented in the marketplace determines how well it will sell. Hiring a local Realtor that works as part of a team benefits you in the form of marketing resources and strategic planning. Digital marketing, social media, print, and face-to-face interactions are all necessary elements to have in play to maximize the exposure of your home and attract a quality buyer.

Face-to-face marketing is wonderful especially when conducted by respected members of the community. Networking is valuable. Select a realtor that regularly interacts with locals and visitors alike through community events, showcases, and contributions.

Presentation also extends to the showing of your home. Networking and marketing elements exist here but so do strong people skills and an eye for detail. Marketing includes all aspects of representation so putting your home in the hands of an agent who is also a welcoming, community-oriented neighbor is a smart move.

Knowing the Marketplace

Miami Beach is a competitive marketplace. Conducting and using a market analysis gives a local Realtor an edge up on the competition. This information can be used to create a price map of other properties in your neighborhood and show how successfully similar homes have sold. However, using market analysis can’t be the only plan of action. Pricing your home depends also on its condition, style, history, past renovations, and distance from area amenities.

Knowing the marketplace also means keeping an eye on other realtors and listings. This ensures that your home is priced strategically; not only to bring you the highest value, but to appeal to the buyer’s market.

Choose Local

Your representation in the marketplace requires a full-time, well-connected professional who is not only available to answer your questions but informed and capable of addressing them.

Deciding to hire a local Realtor means you will be partnered with someone who works, lives, commutes, raises their family, and enjoys the amenities of the neighborhood first-hand. You have to ask yourself, who will best sell your home – someone who works and lives in the neighborhood, or someone commuting an hour or more through the entire process?

A good realtor intentionally restricts themselves geographically because they know what it takes to achieve results with a high level of service. There is no reason to overextend resources. The benefit of targeting local communities, being familiar with local laws, restrictions, and local market conditions, is that the knowledge comes from the community and yields invaluable insights.  

Let’s Get Specific

So, you’ve decided that a local Realtor is your best bet – why stop there? There’s a difference between conveniently located and locally invested. Working with a realtor who is familiar with the area is a given; someone who takes their kids to the local parks, enjoys the local events, and can give potential buyers the insider details on what they can experience. Selecting a realtor that focuses on a specific neighborhood only amplifies their ability to provide that information first-hand.

Your realtor should also be well-connected with other local professionals that can facilitate the selling of your home. Seek out a realtor with a carefully compiled rolodex of local lenders, inspectors, and title officers so you can avoid the headache of hiring unknown entities in favor of trusted connections.

Choosing a realtor that also lives in the neighborhood they represent is even more effective. Passion is not something that can be imitated. Seek out someone who supports their community, who serves on City committees, attends neighborhood meetings, and contributes to local charities and fundraisers. These are the people that are already going above and beyond. These are the people putting their time and money into positive community growth, cultural events, and actions that boost the quality of life in their neighborhood.

At Urban Resource, we strive to offer North Beach homeowners every resource at our disposal. From the beginning of the process, to the marketing and negotiations, through the signing of the contract – our team is prepared to guide you each step of the way. Reach out today for a free home evaluation. Email realestate@urbanresource.com